Friday 31 August 2012

To Escalante via Burr Trail and Hells Backbone

We left Torrey and went to Boulder where we diverted off onto Burr Trail. This is a remakable 20 mile trail through red rock canyons which is mainly paved.
You can see the road winding through this canyon.
We went onto the Wolverine Loop Road which was unpaved. It got trickier and was quite sandy in parts with waashes across the road which were tricky to get out of.
We went onto the Horse Canyon trailbut there were some very sandy stretches which I didn't fancy as we hadn#t seen anyone else since we left the Burr Trail. So we turned round and headed back past some more fantastic scenery. We stopped in a short slot canyon,

Back at Boulder we turned off onto Hells Backbone Road. This is a trail winding high into the mountains which is quite precipitous at times, with the road goind along ridges with 1000 foot drops on either side and a bridge across a deep canyon.
We then went on to Escalante where we're staying in the Circle D Motel. We had enough time to do the Cedar Wash trail and see Ceadr Wash Arch.
At one point we did get stuck getting out of a wash and had to dig the tyres out and lay some stones down before gunning it.
Tomorrow we're hiring a proper ATV to go along Hole in the Rock \road to some slot canyons before returning to this motel.

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